Friday, October 30, 2015

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Which Pumpkin has the Most Seeds?

Last week we read a wonderful book titled, Which Pumpkin has the Most Seeds?  The lesson that the students in the book learn is to not judge something or someone by its size or what it looks like on the outside.  It's what is on the inside that matters.  In the story, the smallest pumpkin, which also was darkest in color and had the most lines on it, ended up with the most seeds inside.  Here in room 235, we decided to try this experiment ourselves.  We made observations about three differently sized pumpkins and then made predictions as to which one had the most seeds in it based on our observations.  The next day, it was time to count! After looking at the dried seeds students had an opportunity to make new predictions as to which pumpkin had the most seeds.  You can see by our second graph that a lot of children changed their minds. The class all chose to count the seeds by making groups of ten and then they would count up the totals.  Check out the results! 

Measuring Beans!

Friday, October 23, 2015

First Assembly

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Bee Talk